A) What I did:
I sat quietly in my lounge room, alone. I put some meditative music on, and closed my eyes. It was still too bright for me, so I cupped my hands over my eyes to create near-perfect darkness. I began the exercise, first allowing myself to explore ahead of me, then behind me. Then to the right, then the left. After this I explored above me, then below me, and finally within me. I did this in one uninterrupted sitting.
B) What I felt and observed:
I felt eager to explore the boundaries of this cube. Alert. Periodically I felt concerned that I would not remember everything I had observed, but I relaxed into it, trusting that this would not be the case.
These were my observations:
Before me:
Moving fast thru Symbols. Dancing and weaving amongst them, moving forward all the time. ‘She’ appears, Goddess of the realm. I also see a number 7. She opens a ‘V’ for me to move thru as I continue forward. This feels like a space odyssey. I reach the boundary. It is a mirror. I see my reflection in it. I move towards and thru the mirror. Suddenly I am moving Behind Me! (The mirror connects the two realms.)
Behind me:
Moving fast, I see and move thru Numbers. This is the realm of ‘T.’ The colour is predominantly yellow. I move fast, steadily. As I progress, the colour green is introduced on the edges of the yellow.
To my Right:
I move thru Mandalas, I become the mandala. Weaving in and out, stretching into the various shapes and the spaces between the shapes. I move forward all the time. The predominant colour is blue, the spaces in-between are black. As I progress thru this realm the blue becomes laced with edges of green. I realize that I am moving in a cyclical motion towards the realm of yellow (behind me) from where I came.
To my Left:
I maintain a steady motion forward, thru shapes that look like cones with wings. The predominant colour is red, different shades of red. As I move forward the red becomes lighter and tinged with orange. Again I seem to be moving in a cyclical motion towards the realm of yellow which lies behind me.
Above me:
I am pure and bright white light, piercing the dark. I look like a comet. I move fast upwards. I ‘infect’ the dark, it becomes lighter around me until we are both bright light. I can no longer differentiate between where I end and the light realm of white begins. We are One.
Below me:
I am a dark and piercing comet. A pitch black light. I enter and speed thru the realm of white light. Moving fast, I start spreading myself in all directions, like black ink in water. Before long the realm too is black, dark like me. We are One. I can no longer define where I end and where the realm of darkness begins.
Within me, my Core:
Like a magnetic kaleidoscope, all colours and consciousness from the other realms that I have visited move towards me, with speed. This is the realm of sound. I hear notes. Everything converges to one central point, where everything I have seen, experienced and observed becomes One.
C) What I learnt:
I was so surprised by what I realized with this exercise! I did not expect it to be so revealing. I learnt that the ‘directions’ are connected cyclically – front and back, left and right, right and back, left and back… I learnt the above and below are like a Yin Yang, and also connected. The above and below need each other to experience contrast. I expected the ‘above’ realm to be the realm of light (if anything) and was surprised to find that it was actually a realm of dark until I entered it at which point it became a realm of light. I learnt that I Am the light just as the Light is me. This concept is not new to me, I am just surprised to re-discover it here, in this exercise! Once again I learnt the value of meditation. It can never be over emphasized.
I learnt where the realms of Numerology and Symbolism potentially reside, the realms of Colour and Sound, Light and Dark. I never considered that these could be associated with a specific ‘direction’ in relation to my Core. I know that when my Guides communicate with me they do so with light, colour, symbols and geometry, never words. I was happy to receive these lessons (during the exercise) in the same ‘language’ that I trust my Guides to communicate in.
D) What stayed with me:
The most important thing that stayed with me after this exercise was a deep sense of ‘Ahhhh’ (comfort, confirmation and satisfaction) that all knowledge comes from the same ‘place,’ and is readily accessible to me with help from my Guides.
E) What caught my attention:
What caught my attention was the connectedness of the different ‘directions’ I travelled in. I was expecting definitive boundaries, but found none. Instead everything moved in circles towards my inner Core. I was also intrigued by the ‘Realm of T,’ and would like to further explore what this is and how it is relevant to my studies.